Now on to the crazy stuff. I think my daughter believes I'm crazy because I can feel germs on my hands. I had a neurologist appointment last week, six-month checkup, and Kristin asked if I told him about my germy hands. NO, I don't want him to send me to a shrink! I already know I'm crazy, why confirm it? When I was in Texas with Meghan she asked me when I went crazy (also talking about my germy hands) and I told her the first time I went crazy was April 1984 (when she was born) and the second time was December 1986 (when Kristin was born). My daughters think highly of their Mother. Heehee 😀
Crazy stuff to think about:
Things we say (me included) that are just plain stupid.
"It's either going to get done or it's not." (Duh)
"I found it in the last place I looked." (You wouldn't keep looking after you found it.)
My sweetheart Cali came over yesterday for a little while. We doodled, colored and played school. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up. I told her that was great! She and I will be spending the summer together and I have so many plans for us. Can't wait!
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