3/9/14 - I was laughing at myself this morning

I am in a few MS groups on Facebook.  This morning early I was reading a question and answers from a man about cognitive issues.  (I had slept in the recliner last night because it hurts my leg less. I am going to a new Neurologist next week and I wanted to write down all of my symptoms.)  I got up immediately, turned on the light and wrote down cognitive issues because I didn't want to forget them.  I'm still chuckling over it.  Okay, you all may not find it as funny as I but at least I woke up laughing.
My girlfriend Donna works at Lighthouse Christian School.  Some wonderful children from the 3rd grade has sent me a "Healing Book".  It has been anointed with oil and prayed over.  Donna and I had had lunch on one of my very down days.  It shows scripture that I can use when I'm doing my devotionals.

This is only one of this 3rd grade classes Ministries.  I am blessed for receiving one of these books.  I also have the honor of knowing one of these 3rd graders, Hi Patrick.  I pray you all stay in God's will.  Thank you so much.

Better days are coming.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the card ministry at LCS! I am blessed that my son attends the school. I learned through your blog that Patrick's class made you a Healing Book. I hope you find the book as inspiration!


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